Whilst doing some research for future potential Strrr TV guests, I’d ended up on the Studio Olafur Eliasson website. Olafur Eliasson is an Icelandic-Danish artist known for sculptures and large-scale installation art employing elemental materials such as light, water, and air temperature to enhance the viewer’s experience, famously putting a ‘sun’ in the Tate Modern turbine hall.

Anyway, whilst on Olafur’s website, I came across Timothy Morton. Timothy is an English professor at Rice University in Houston, whose work focusses on object oriented thought and ecological studies. He’s published numerous books, including one co-authored with Bjork. I enjoyed this video of his, filmed at Studio Olafur Eliasson in Berlin.

BBC Voice & AI

In October I began working with the team at BBC Voice & AI, helping them with their forthcoming beeb voice assistant. It's been fascinating contributing to this process of shaping the assistant's persona, as the team develop their remarkably ambitious project. The...

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